Midlands legal team doubles headcount and boosts turnover

Jeff Botterill

A Nottingham-based legal practice, Family Law Decisions, has doubled its headcount, increasing its turnover by 130%, and is on target to reach seven figures by the end of next year.

The team has expanded from 7 to 14 people, with plans to bring on an additional 15 paralegals and support staff in the next five years.

Recognising the potential to expand nationally and provide enhanced support, founder Jeff Botterill enrolled in a 12-week Help to Grow course through Nottingham University Business School.

He said: “Although the support and services we provide have remained top tier, we’ve wanted to help more people across the UK for some time now. In order to do that, I needed greater knowledge of how to expand my business in a way which could be sustained for the future.

“Since graduating from the Help to Grow: Management Course, it’s clear to see the impact it’s had on my business. When I first started the business in 2008, there were just two of us. We have slowly scaled the business over the last 15 years, but the insight I have gained from the course has springboarded both our turnover and talent growth beyond what I thought was possible.

“My advice for anyone considering this course is to take the plunge. There’s so much to learn that can help you and your leadership team to really excel. I’m still coming back to plans that I made with my mentor that are now helping me to deliver operational efficiencies across the firm. I’ve no doubt the skills I’ve gained will play a key role in the business’s future growth trajectory.”

Michael Hayman MBE, chair of Small Business Charter, said: “The Help to Grow: Management Course was designed to give leaders the knowledge to design organisational change and the confidence to act on it, so businesses can evolve and grow in a sustainable way. From everything that we have seen this programme deliver, it is clear that investment in leadership teams has the power to transform the way businesses operate, creating resilient, innovative, and more productive SMEs across the UK.

“Like many business founders across the UK, Jeff and his team have the technical skills and experience to provide a high-quality service within a challenging sector, but they did not have the knowledge required to confidently scale their company. Through the support of Help to Grow: Management, Jeff has acquired the tools and expertise to expand his team and achieve record levels of revenue growth. I’m looking forward to seeing Family Law Decisions continue evolving and delivering crucial support for its customers.”

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