Council’s housing plan faces £500,000 scrutiny
Erewash Borough Council, now run by Labour, may overhaul Derbyshire Council’s housing development plan, costing £500,000.
The council has now scheduled a meeting for November 30th to discuss potentially scrapping its core strategy just before the planned December hearings led by a Government planning inspector marking the project’s final stage.
The core strategy outlines preferred development locations, types and acceptable scales.
The current plan includes an industrial site at Stanton Ironworks and 240 homes near Spondon Wood on Green Belt Land.
The blueprints are a requirement to meet the Government’s goals for housing and development planning over the next 15 years.
Erewash Council needs to designate locations for 386 new homes annually until 3027, reaching a total of around 5,800.
The draft, almost finalised under the previous conservation administration in March 2022 is now up for reconsideration by the new labour leadership elected in May. They have the option to reapprove or discard the plan.