Business Bytes: The 9 types of bosses and how to work with them

You may love going to work every day or you could completely dread every Monday morning, but chances are if you enjoy work or hate it, it’s because of the relationship you have with your boss. If you’re not scared of your boss and get on well with them, you probably work very well for them. However, if this isn’t the case and your boss is your worst nightmare, it may be time to start looking for a new role. Here are the nine types of bosses and how to cope with them.
1. The power hungry one
This boss believes they have control over everybody in the office because of their job title. For this boss, it is their say or the highway. This is the type of boss you are most likely to clash with, so have your wits about you when you work with a power hungry boss and don’t give in to ridiculous requests just because they are your boss.
2. The hands-off boss
A hands-off boss is likely to leave you to your own devices and gives you all the freedom you would need. However, it is occasionally too much. Although it is nice to feel like they trust you enough to get on with the job, they also rarely offer direction and members of the team are often confused with what is expected from you. With this type of boss, you’re going to have to ask for help if you need it, otherwise you’ll often be left to deal with the consequences.
3. The one who wasn’t ready
This boss was clearly promoted to the role of a boss before being anywhere near ready. They probably lack confidence and don’t feel comfortable telling you what to do or often ask other management members for advice. This type of boss will appreciate your help, so if they clearly look like they’re struggling, offer your advice.
4. The micromanager
A micromanager boss likes to step on your toes often and likes to tell everybody what to do and how exactly to do it. Although you may think a different way of doing something is more beneficial, they are unlikely to be able to see your point of view. When it comes to bosses like this, it is all about gaining their trust. With a bit of trust, they will feel much more at ease with allowing you to be creative.
5. The one who wants to be your friend
With this boss, you’ll hang out after work and become quite close. You’ll discuss each other’s personal lives and they will be relaxed with deadlines. Although it may sound like a perfect set-up, you’ll soon discover that you’re not getting anywhere. That is because you never receive constructive criticism and have goals to work towards because they don’t want to hurt your feelings. Be sure to have a line of between friendship and work and set yourself personal goals to work towards instead of relying on them to give you some.
6. The one who just doesn’t care
This boss will be difficult to communicate with and will always be off doing something other than work. These bosses are just in the job for the title, not the actual role. If you excel at work only after having feedback about your progress, you won’t get anywhere with this person as your boss. In this case, speak to other members of the management team or your colleagues about how you’re getting on and thrive of their feedback instead.
7. The 24/7 boss
We all know one; the boss that just doesn’t stop. Because they are a workaholic, they think everyone else is. They will often text and email you at stupid o’clock and expect you to drop everything for them. Although it is good that they are committed to their job, it is just too much constantly. The best thing to do is to make it clear to them that you need to have a break eventually. Turn your phone off or don’t discuss work with them unless you’re in the office.
8. The one stuck in their ways
This boss has been in the company for years and are definitely not a fan of change. They don’t want to hear new ideas and they want to stick to how things have always been done. If you work for a traditional boss, you will need to be willing to hear them out and give their way a go. However, there is no harm in attempting to bring in new methods occasionally. As long as you don’t bombard your boss, they may become much more willing to hear about them.
9. The decent boss
This boss is someone who just gets it. They are fair, willing to hear everyone’s opinions and are exceptionally good at motivating their employees. They ask for feedback from their workers and aim to provide a positive workplace. If you have a decent boss, treat them just as well and you’ll find work a very happy place to be.