Contractor confirmed for £20m Lincoln infrastructure deal

CGI of the connecting bridge

Lincoln Council has selected Birmingham-based GRAHAM to oversee the planning and construction of a £20m infrastructure initiative for the Western Growth Corridor project.

The project involves building new bridges and access routes connecting the city to a site with 3,200 new homes.

Main construction by GRAHAM will begin next year, with the ground surveys currently ongoing.

GRAHAM contract director Alastair Lewis said: “We’re thrilled to be appointed as the lead contractor for key elements of the Western Growth Corridor project, which highlights our expertise and commitment to delivering exceptional infrastructure projects.

“The Western Growth Corridor project is a challenging scheme involving tackling access restrictions, utilities, drainage, and traffic management, among other complexities.

“GRAHAM’s objective is to value engineer the access road and bridge over the railway, seeking creative design and construction solutions that deliver cost and carbon savings while ensuring the long-term success of the strategic masterplan for the site.”
