East Midlands Business Masters: ‘A business should be a positive contributor to its local economy’

Nominations are now open for the East Midlands Business Masters 2022, which celebrate the achievements of firms of all sizes across the region. This year’s ceremony will take place on the evening of October 13 at the Crowne Plaza in Nottingham – click here to nominate your Business Masters for 2022.
We asked Jason Ashby, CEO at last year’s Medium-Sized Business award-winners UK Flooring Direct what it meant to pick up the award and found out where the company is headed next.
“It was a great feeling to pick up the award. As a business, we are always striving to grow and we do that through investment in our people, in technology and in products and by giving the customer the best possible experience from the moment they search for a product through to the delivery to their home.
“Winning the award was a great way of having all of that recognised and it’s a real testament to the whole of the UK Flooring Direct team who have worked incredibly hard over the past few years and have adapted to all of the challenges the world has thrown at them.
“So many things contribute to business success. Of course, growing sales, increasing turnover and the bottom line are vital because they allow you to invest in your people, in technology and in products which leads to further growth.
“But success comes in other forms too and that comes down to being a great place to work for the team who do such as fantastic job, and making a positive contribution to the area we operate in. The more we grow, the more we can continue to make a positive impact.
“We’ve recently launched an employer supporter volunteering (ESV) programme which each member of the UK Flooring Direct team is being a day of paid time to volunteer. We’ve partnered with some great charitable and community organisations in the area that the team can offer their time to, or they can work with a different organisation of their choice.
“I’ve always believed that business should be a positive contributor to its local economy and, also, socially too and this is another step towards that.
“We never sit still at UK Flooring Direct!
“We’ve recently announced a new showroom over at our site in Coventry which is open to trade and retail customers, and that has got off to a successful start. We are a digitally native business so online sales will always be our biggest driver for growth but expanding our showroom offer made sense and there was the space to do it at our Coventry site.
“We continue to invest in technology as we know that will be a real driver in our future success.”
The deadline for entries is 8th July 2022. Good luck!