Site earmarked for almost 900 homes

Credit: Richborough

A developer has earmarked almost 900 homes for a Leicestershire town after it submitted revised proposals following a favourable planning appeal earlier this year.

Richborough Estates’ initial proposal for 475 properties in Hinckley gained approval from the planning inspector in January.

Now, adjacent to the site, plans for an additional 415 homes on land north of the A47 Normandy Way have been unveiled.

The original 475-home project was rejected due to advice from Leicestershire County Council’s highways team, which cited incomplete road safety assessments.

However, the planning inspector reversed the decision after the county council confirmed the assessments were completed and deemed the impacts on nearby roads acceptable.

The space between the developments, named Valley Park, is planned to include recreational areas, allotments, cycleways, and footpaths

The approved plans have also set aside land for a potential primary school.

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