Edmond Shipway sets sail for Dudley

Nottingham-based construction consultant Edmond Shipway has played a key role in the development of a new £3m canalside attraction at Dudley in the West Midlands.

The firm has designed major energy efficient elements of The Portal, a brand new visitor and education centre looking at the history of the Black Country’s waterways, on behalf of Dudley Canal Trust.

The scheme, which has been supported by Heritage Lottery Funding (HLF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), also includes a new swing bridge linking the attraction with the existing Black Country Living Museum.

Edmond Shipway has designed and built a number of energy efficient service aspects of the development including natural ventilation, roof mounted solar panels and heat pumps.

It is anticipated that the work will improve energy efficiency at the venue by some 15%, in line with current building regulations.

Daman Ranby, director at Edmond Shipway, said: “We are delighted to have been involved in designing important service elements for this new development.”

“Dudley Canal Trust already offers fantastic trips through the industrial underworld of Dudley’s canals and limestone mines, and we are sure that the dedicated new visitor centre will bring many more tourists to the area.”

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